Marilyn Kohn, Realtor
Contact Marilyn:
Phone: (309) 692-7272
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Now in VR - 360 degrees

You will need three thing to view Virtual Reality on

  • VR Headset
  • Smartphone
  • Matterport VR App
  1. Download “Matterport VR” App to your smartphone - Choose the application that matches your VR goggles (Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear, VR One, IOS etc).
  2. Go to on your smartphone.
  3. Explore to locate homes with Virtual Reality tours. Your can find homes with Virtual Reality tours by
    1. following this link
    2. typing “VR” in the search box
      VR Quick Search Screenshot
    3. by selecting highlighted “VR Tours” at top of the home page page, or by
    4. choosing homes with Virtual tours within your actual search results.* Just look for this button:
      VR button screenshot
  4. Select the home you wish to view and click either the Virtual Tour or VR button.
  5. Touch the goggle icon on your smartphone. The VR application will open.
    Matterport Goggles Screenshot
  6. Place your smartphone in your VR goggles. Line in up with center line of goggles. (The smartphone fits better if you remove your protective case.) Read remaining instructions before inserting smartphone in goggles.
  7. Line up the circle in your viewer with the dot on the screen. Your tour will load..
  8. LOOK left, right, up and down and even behind you. MOVE to a new spot by looking at the blue circle.
  9. Look down and hold for a few seconds and this will RETURN you to the menu.
  10. Enjoy your tour!

* NOTE - Not all homes are designated Virtual Reality tours – only those that display goggles in the bottom right corner of the tour (see the screenshot in step 5) will work.

Scan this code to Go Mobile With Marilyn! Scan this QR Code with your mobile device to Go Mobile With Marilyn!
(you will need to download a free app on your mobile device to scan QR codes)

Visit on your mobile device or
scan the QR code to use all these great features:

  • Are you driving by a beautiful house with a sign in the yard? Pull over and take a look by listing the nearest properties to your current location!
  • Look up properties by address, city, zip code, or listing number!
  • Search for properties based on your requirements - such as price, beds, baths, cities, and type!
  • Look through pictures of properties!
  • See where a property is on a map!
  • And when you see one you like, you can call or email Marilyn with one tap of your finger!
  • All from the palm of your hand, anywhere you go!

©Marilyn Kohn RE/MAX Traders Unlimited All Rights Reserved.
6811 N. Knoxville Ave., Suite C     Peoria, IL 61614
Real Estate The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing
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